Apr 3, 2007

Things You May Not Have Known About Me

In response to Absolutely Plum

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Window washer, carpet cleaner, janitor
2. Vinyl siding sales and delivery
3. Nursery man
4. Bellman, hotel van driver

Four movies I would watch over and over and over (In no particular order):
1. Star Wars (IV-VI) (not because there good but because of nostalgia)
2. Searching for Bobby Fisher
3. The Last Samurai
4. Finding Forester

Four random places I have spent the night
1. On the floor of the Gart Sports store in the Layton Hills Mall (work)
2. On the floor of Edit Technologies (work)
3. In my Honda Accord in a parking lot somewhere north of San Francisco
4. On my chair at Allen•Millo (work)

Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. Simpsons
2. The Office
3. Law and Order
4. Star Trek (the old ones)

Four places I want to visit before I die:
1. Patagonia
2. Scandinavia and Iceland
3. Borneo
4. The Himalayas

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Sushi
2. Fish and Chips
3. Blueberry muffins (which I never get to eat)
4. Beef Jerky

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. In a tent in the woods
2. In Venice
3. On the beach in Maui
4. Driving to Alaska.

Four people I wish I could talk to again:
1. Jason Dickamore
2. Cory Bowthorpe
3. Grandma and Grandpa Gibb
4. Dick Norris (Channel 5)

Four things I would like to do before time runs out:
1. Live in a rural location
2. Live in a foreign country
3. Build a 20 story residential tower
4. Have a show in a major New York gallery

Four things I am afraid of:
1. Drowning
2. Losing my eyesight
3. Small talk
4. Most bugs

Four places I've loved being on vacation:
1. Maui
2. Europe
3. The entire west coast (one trip)
4. Glacier National Park

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tom, I just found this post while looking over your site and thought it was great. One of my fears is losing my eyesight too! (I think it because we rely on being visual so much, as artists, etc). How are things going with you? I liked chatting with you on the train and at Church about stuff. Hope you're doing all right.