May 23, 2007

Homeless Home

Yesterday we found a hobo living in our elevator equipment room. Ken, the elevator service guy and I went and knocked on the door after the service guy said he heard someone inside. When we knocked an husky voice said that he needed a minute to get dressed. When he finally opened up he had as nice a home as possible in about 40 sq ft. He had carpet, a nice foam mattress with blankets and sheets, a radio and storage bins filled with other useful and creepy items (a frilly kitchen apron). We had to make him remove his stuff. He started throwing everything into a pile while grumbling that he didn't have anywhere to go. He doesn't like the homeless shelter because it is filled with schizo's he responded when we suggested he go there. We let him keep his stuff out on the terrace until he could return to cart it off.

Ken told me today that he returned to apologize and ask for work later that night. Ken told him to return in a few weeks and we might help him out then. We'll see.

I must give credit to Ken for being so nice as we were kicking him out. He really was patient and kindly while being firm. A good Christian example.

1 comment:

Mark Elliot said...

Hey Tom,
That looks like a pretty nice place. Now that the hobo has moved out, can you ask Ken how much the rent is for that space. And is there a lease or is it month to month? We don't have pets if that is an issue.