May 8, 2007


Nate and I went out camping again. This time we went to the west desert. We camped southwest of Tooele. In the morning we drove west on the Pony Express Road until we reached the geode beds. It was desolate and barren and stark and beautiful.

Camp was fun because I tried out my ultralight tent set up. Basically an umbrella with a ground cloth. It cuts the weight of the tent almost in half and for one person it has plenty of coverage. Bugs are another story.


Silus Grok said...

Geode beds? Like, as in those lovely inside-out marbles?

Tommy said...

Those are the ones. They sleep out in the middle of the desert in little tiny beds.

Silus Grok said...

And I hear they hunt in packs… we should go geode hunting some time.